User Accounts

IDL offers three user account types: Basic, Professional and Expert. All of them are available to you absolutely free of charge.

You get a "Basic" account when you first sign up for IDL. You enter your email address and password, or use Facebook to log in, and you can immediately start using our basic features:

- Selecting the languages you want to work with and using advanced sorting and filtering capabilities.
- Removing all banner ads to enjoy a cleaner website look and faster IDL loading times.

A "Professional" account integrates you more deeply into our community and allows for participation in the content review process. This will require you to set a username, which may later be shown beside your contributions, and to select two or more languages that you speak or write fluently.

An "Expert" account makes you an independent contributor who can make any edits and does not need approvals for changes. This is a big responsibility, and a lot of people will benefit from your input. The expert earns the maximum number of IDL points with each edit, so you will have all the chances to be on top.