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"Accurate description" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word accurate description? Please find below our selected examples of "Accurate description" in a sentence.

As Noun
1. A detailed and accurate description is essential when writing a piece of descriptive essay.
2. The travel brochure provided an accurate description of the beautiful beach resort.
3. The scientist presented an accurate description of the experiment's results during the conference.

As Verb
1. It is important to accurately describe the appearance of the suspect to help with the investigation.
2. The author accurately described the setting of the story, making the readers feel as if they were there.
3. Can you accurately describe how the accident happened to the insurance company?

As Adjective
1. The article provided an accurate description of the current political situation.
2. It's crucial to give an accurate description of your qualifications on your resume.
3. His accurate description of the crime scene helped the detectives solve the case quickly.