Categories: Law and Security

Meaning of acquitted: Delve into the meaning and definition of acquitted on our page. Explore what acquitted truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does acquitted mean to you?

"Acquitted" is a term used in the legal system to describe a situation in which a person accused of a crime is found not guilty by a court of law. This could be due to a lack of evidence, a successful defense argument, or any other reason that leads the jury or judge to believe that the accused is innocent. Being acquitted means that the individual is cleared of all charges and is not held responsible for the crime they were accused of committing. In a broader sense, "acquitted" can also refer to being freed from blame or responsibility in general, not just in a legal context. It can mean being absolved of wrongdoing or being found innocent in any situation where one is being accused of some form of misconduct. Overall, "acquitted" carries the connotation of being vindicated, cleared of any wrongdoing, and having one's innocence confirmed either legally or socially.