Categories: General

"Actually" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word actually? Please find below our selected examples of "Actually" in a sentence.

As an adverb:
1. I thought she was going to be late, but actually she arrived on time.
2. I actually really like the new design of the website.
3. He's not as intelligent as he thinks he is - actually, he's quite average.
4. I didn't know he could dance so well, he's actually really good.
5. The party turned out to be much more fun than I had actually expected.

As a conjunction:
1. I thought I was prepared for the test, but actually, I forgot to study one of the chapters.
2. I was hesitant about going to the concert, but actually, it turned out to be a great experience.
3. She said she would be there by 5, but actually, she arrived at 6.

As a verb:
1. I need to actually see the results before I believe them.
2. Can you actually finish the project by the end of the week?
3. He needs to actually listen to what I'm saying before responding.
4. It's important to actually understand the instructions before starting the task.