
Meaning of admixture: Delve into the meaning and definition of admixture on our page. Explore what admixture truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does admixture mean to you?

Admixture is a noun that refers to the act of mixing or blending different elements or substances together. It can denote a mixture of various components or ingredients, particularly in a biological, chemical, or physical context. For example, in genetics, the term "genetic admixture" indicates the presence of genes from different populations within an individual or group. In the field of concrete technology, an admixture is a material other than water, aggregates, cement, or fibers that is added to concrete to alter its properties. Admixtures can impact the workability, strength, durability, and curing time of concrete. Overall, admixture is a versatile term that conveys the idea of combining diverse elements to create a new or altered mixture with specific characteristics or qualities.