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Meaning of adulatory: Delve into the meaning and definition of adulatory on our page. Explore what adulatory truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does adulatory mean to you?

Adulatory is an adjective that describes behavior or speech that is excessively flattering or praising. Someone who is adulatory is being overly complimentary, often to the point of being insincere or obsequious. This word can have a negative connotation because it implies that the praise being given is not genuine or sincere, but rather an attempt to curry favor or gain some advantage. People who are adulatory might use flattery in order to manipulate or deceive others, or to make themselves look better in the eyes of someone they want to impress. It can also be used to describe the tone of writing or speech that is effusively praising or fawning towards a person or thing. In general, being adulatory is seen as dishonest or insincere because true praise should come from a genuine appreciation of someone's qualities or achievements, rather than from ulterior motives.