
"Advertising" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word advertising? Please find below our selected examples of "Advertising" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. Advertising plays a crucial role in promoting products and services.
2. The advertising industry is constantly evolving with new technologies.
3. The company invested a large budget in its advertising campaign.
4. Clever advertising can capture the attention of consumers.
5. The advertisement was displayed on television during prime time.

As a verb:
1. The company is advertising their new product on social media.
2. She decided to advertise her services in the local newspaper.
3. They are planning to advertise the special promotion through email marketing.
4. The store advertised a clearance sale on its website.
5. He is advertising his skills as a freelance graphic designer.

As an adjective:
1. The advertising agency created a catchy jingle for the commercial.
2. She landed a job at an advertising firm after graduation.
3. The advertising campaign was designed to target a specific demographic.
4. He has a background in advertising, so he understands consumer behavior well.
5. The advertising team brainstormed ideas for the new marketing strategy.