Categories: Law and Security

Meaning of alarm: Delve into the meaning and definition of alarm on our page. Explore what alarm truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does alarm mean to you?

Alarm in English can have several meanings depending on the context. One common meaning of "alarm" is a device that emits a loud sound or signal to warn people of danger or an emergency situation, such as a fire alarm or a security alarm. In this sense, an alarm is designed to alert people and prompt them to take action to protect themselves or their property. "Alarm" can also refer to a feeling of fear, distress, or anxiety, often triggered by a perceived threat or danger. For example, someone might feel alarm at the sight of smoke coming from a building. Additionally, "alarm" can be used as a verb to describe the act of causing someone to feel a sense of urgency or concern. For instance, a news report about an impending storm might alarm residents and prompt them to take precautions. Overall, "alarm" typically conveys a sense of warning, fear, or urgency in response to a perceived threat or danger.