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Meaning of already: Delve into the meaning and definition of already on our page. Explore what already truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does already mean to you?

"Already" is an adverb in English that is commonly used to indicate that something has happened or been completed before a certain time or event. It is often used to show that something is happening sooner than expected or sooner than necessary. For example, "I have already finished my homework" implies that the homework was completed before the expected deadline. Additionally, "already" can also be used to express impatience or annoyance that something has happened sooner than desired. For instance, "I just cleaned the kitchen and it's already a mess again" conveys frustration at the rapidity of a new mess. Overall, "already" serves as a versatile adverb that can convey completion, anticipation, impatience, or a sense of immediacy in various contexts. It is frequently used in everyday speech to add nuance to statements and convey specific meanings.