
"Anchovy" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word anchovy? Please find below our selected examples of "Anchovy" in a sentence.

As Nouns:
1. I can barely stand the taste of anchovies on my pizza.
2. The anchovy population has been declining due to overfishing.
3. Anchovies are small, salty fish that are often used as toppings on salads.
4. The recipe called for a can of anchovies, but I omitted them due to personal preference.
5. The fisherman returned with a boat full of anchovies.

As Verbs:
1. She carefully anchovied the fillets onto the pizza before baking it.
2. The chef decided to anchovy the pasta with a sprinkle of chopped anchovies.
3. Can you please anchovy the crackers with a few slices of cheese?

As Adjectives:
1. The anchovy pizza had a strong, salty flavor that not everyone enjoyed.
2. The salad was topped with anchovy dressing, giving it a distinct taste.
3. She ordered the anchovy sandwich, despite not being a fan of the fish.