Examples of Apple in a Sentence
"Apple" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word apple? Please find below our selected examples of "Apple" in a sentence.
As a noun:
1. I ate a delicious red apple for a snack.
2. The apple tree in our backyard is full of ripe fruit.
3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
4. She picked a bushel of apples at the orchard.
As a verb:
1. He plans to apple for a job at the company.
2. Be sure to apple the necessary updates to your computer.
3. She decided to apple for a scholarship to help with her tuition fees.
As an adjective:
1. The apple pie was warm and comforting.
2. The apple orchard was a peaceful place to spend the afternoon.
3. She wore a dress with a cute apple print pattern.
As part of a compound word:
1. My daughter loves to eat apple slices.
2. The apple tree was heavy with fruit.
3. We went apple picking at the farm last weekend.