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Meaning of argue: Delve into the meaning and definition of argue on our page. Explore what argue truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does argue mean to you?

In English, the word "argue" can have multiple meanings depending on the context. One common definition of "argue" is to engage in a debate or discussion with someone in order to persuade them of your point of view. This can involve presenting reasons, providing evidence, and making logical arguments to support your position. Additionally, "argue" can also mean to have a quarrel or disagreement with someone, often involving heated or emotional exchanges. In this sense, arguing can be a negative and confrontational interaction that may result in hurt feelings or damaged relationships. Furthermore, "argue" can also refer to presenting a case in a court of law, where lawyers argue the merits of their client's case before a judge or jury. Overall, the word "argue" encompasses a range of meanings related to debating, disagreeing, and presenting a case, making it a versatile and multi-faceted term in the English language.