
"Assignation" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word assignation? Please find below our selected examples of "Assignation" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. The assignation of roles within the team was crucial for the success of the project.
2. The mysterious assignation between the two lovers was held in a remote cabin in the woods.
3. The assignation of blame in the case was a complex process that required thorough investigation.
4. The assignation of resources to different departments was part of the manager's responsibilities.

As a verb:
1. The manager had to assign the task to the most capable team member.
2. She assigned the seats at the wedding reception based on the guests' preferences.
3. The teacher assigned a challenging homework assignment to the students.
4. The committee assigned a budget for the upcoming event.

1. The assignation of the contract was completed smoothly by both parties.
2. He was looking forward to his assignation with destiny, where he would finally prove his worth.
3. The assignation of power to the new ruler was met with mixed reactions among the people.
4. She felt a sense of excitement before the assignation with her new mentor.