
"Astonishment" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word astonishment? Please find below our selected examples of "Astonishment" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. She stared at the magician's trick with astonishment, unable to figure out how he did it.
2. His sudden appearance at the party was met with astonishment from all the guests.
3. The news of her promotion was met with astonishment by her coworkers.
4. The students listened in astonishment as their teacher announced a pop quiz.
5. The sight of the grand palace filled her with unbridled astonishment.

As a verb:
1. The grandeur of the mountain range astonished her as she stood at its base.
2. The magician's sleight of hand astonished the crowd as he made objects disappear and reappear.
3. The sudden change in weather astonished the residents of the small town.
4. She was astonished by how quickly her garden grew after the recent rainfall.

As an adjective:
1. The astonishing display of fireworks lit up the night sky.
2. She looked at him with astonishment, unable to believe his audacity.
3. The unexpected turn of events left her in a state of astonishment.
4. His astonishing skill in playing the piano captivated the audience.