Examples of Beyond in a Sentence
"Beyond" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word beyond? Please find below our selected examples of "Beyond" in a sentence.
As adverb:
1. The view from the mountaintop extended beyond the horizon.
2. She knew she had to look beyond the superficial to truly understand him.
3. The impact of the pandemic has spread beyond our wildest imagination.
As preposition:
1. The possibilities are endless beyond what we can imagine.
2. She knew her potential went beyond what her current job offered.
3. The town lay beyond the river, a place of mystery and wonder.
As adjective:
1. His talents were beyond compare, making him a true stand-out in the industry.
2. The party was held at a mansion with a beyond beautiful garden.
3. Her patience was beyond measure, always willing to lend a helping hand.