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Meaning of bind: Delve into the meaning and definition of bind on our page. Explore what bind truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does bind mean to you?

The word "bind" has multiple meanings in English, depending on the context in which it is used. One common definition of "bind" is to tie or fasten something securely, such as with a rope or a strap. For example, you might bind a package with string or bind a book with glue. Another meaning of "bind" is to create a legal or moral obligation, such as when you are bound by a contract or oath. Additionally, "bind" can also refer to the act of restricting or constricting something, as in the way tight clothing might bind movement. In a more abstract sense, "bind" can mean to bring people together in a close or intimate relationship, as in the way shared experiences can bind a group of friends. Overall, the word "bind" encompasses a range of meanings related to securing, obligating, restricting, and connecting.