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Meaning of border: Delve into the meaning and definition of border on our page. Explore what border truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does border mean to you?

In English, the word "border" has several meanings. One common definition is the line that separates two countries or regions, marking the boundary between them. Borders can be physical barriers such as walls or fences, or they can be more abstract, such as imaginary lines on a map. "Border" can also refer to the edge or boundary of an object or area, such as the border of a picture or the border of a garden. In this sense, it is used to describe the outermost part of something. Additionally, "border" can be used in a figurative sense to describe the limit or extent of something intangible, such as the border between right and wrong. It can also refer to the act of crossing a border or boundary, whether physical or metaphorical. Overall, the word "border" carries connotations of separation, division, and limits in various contexts.