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Meaning of burn: Delve into the meaning and definition of burn on our page. Explore what burn truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does burn mean to you?

"burn" can have several meanings in the English language. One common definition is the physical act of being on fire or turning to ash due to combustion. It can also refer to the sensation of heat or pain on the skin caused by exposure to fire, heat, sunlight, chemicals, or friction. In a metaphorical sense, "burn" can mean to damage or injure something with fire or heat. It can also be used to describe the act of using a flame to cook or warm something. Additionally, "burn" can have figurative meanings such as feeling intense emotions like anger, passion, or desire. It can also refer to the act of criticizing or insulting someone harshly, often in a public setting. In slang terms, "burn" can mean to betray or deceive someone. Overall, "burn" is a versatile word with both literal and metaphorical connotations in the English language.