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"Cannibal" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word cannibal? Please find below our selected examples of "Cannibal" in a sentence.

As a noun
1. The cannibal in the horror movie gave me nightmares for weeks.
2. The explorers were fearful of encountering cannibals during their expedition.
3. The island was rumored to be inhabited by a tribe of cannibals.
4. Cannibals were often depicted as savages in literature and films.

As a verb
1. The starving man had no choice but to cannibalize the remains of his dead companion.
2. The creatures in the sci-fi movie were known to cannibalize each other for survival.

As an adjective
1. The cannibal tribe had a fearsome reputation among neighboring communities.
2. The cannibalistic behavior of the rats in the laboratory shocked the researchers.

As an adverb
1. The disease spread rapidly, cannibalizing the resources of the affected region.
2. The company's cutthroat tactics cannibalized their competitors' market share.