Examples of Career development in a Sentence
"Career development" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word career development? Please find below our selected examples of "Career development" in a sentence.
As a noun
1. Career development is essential for achieving professional goals.
2. The company offers various opportunities for career development.
3. Effective career development programs can boost employee satisfaction and retention.
4. She is dedicated to continuous career development and growth.
5. Career development should be a priority for individuals in today's competitive job market.
As a verb
1. She is actively working on career development by taking additional courses.
2. The company encourages employees to participate in career development workshops.
3. He is seeking guidance from a career development coach to advance in his field.
4. We should prioritize career development opportunities when planning for the future.
As an adjective
1. His career development plan includes regular performance evaluations.
2. The seminar provided valuable insights into career development strategies.
3. Career development resources are available to all employees looking to advance in their careers.
4. She is known for her proactive approach to career development.