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Meaning of catacomb: Delve into the meaning and definition of catacomb on our page. Explore what catacomb truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does catacomb mean to you?

A catacomb is an underground burial chamber, typically consisting of tunnels and passageways lined with recesses for tombs. These subterranean structures were commonly used as burial sites in ancient Rome and other civilizations, often due to limited space in urban areas or for religious reasons. Catacombs can vary in size and complexity, with some containing elaborate decorations and artwork while others are more simple in design. Due to their underground location, catacombs are associated with mystery, darkness, and the macabre, making them a popular setting in literature, art, and film. Today, catacombs are often tourist attractions, offering a glimpse into the burial practices and beliefs of past societies. The word "catacomb" derives from the Latin "catacumba," which referred to underground chambers near Rome's Appian Way where Christians were buried.