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Meaning of chevalier: Delve into the meaning and definition of chevalier on our page. Explore what chevalier truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does chevalier mean to you?

Chevalier is a French word that translates to "knight" in English. In medieval times, chevaliers were warriors or mounted horsemen who served noble lords and fought in battles. They were often known for their courage, chivalry, and loyalty to their lord. Chevaliers were expected to follow a code of conduct known as chivalry, which emphasized virtues such as honor, loyalty, and respect for women. In modern usage, the term chevalier may also refer to a knight or a member of a chivalric order, a person who has been awarded an honor or title similar to knight-hood. Additionally, in French-speaking cultures, it can be used more broadly to refer to a gentleman or a man of honor. The term retains connotations of bravery, nobility, and gallantry, evoking images of a bygone era of heroic deeds and noble ideals.