Categories: General

"Choose" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word choose? Please find below our selected examples of "Choose" in a sentence.

As verbs:
1. Please choose a partner for this project.
2. I can't decide, so you choose where we eat dinner.
3. He always chooses the most challenging tasks.
4. She must choose between studying abroad or staying home.
5. We choose to focus on the positive aspects of the situation.

As nouns:
1. The power to choose is a valuable freedom.
2. Sometimes, having too many choices can lead to decision fatigue.
3. It's important to make a wise choice when choosing a career.
4. The menu offers a wide range of dishes to choose from.
5. The choice between honesty and deceit was a difficult one for him.

As adjectives:
1. She felt overwhelmed by the many choices available.
2. The chosen candidate will be announced tomorrow.
3. He was confident in his choice to pursue his passion.
4. The chosen charity will receive all the proceeds from the event.