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Meaning of cite: Delve into the meaning and definition of cite on our page. Explore what cite truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does cite mean to you?

"Cite" is a verb that has multiple meanings in the English language. One common meaning of "cite" is to quote or refer to as evidence or justification for an argument or statement. For example, in academic writing, students are often required to cite their sources to give credit to the original authors and to support their own claims. Another meaning of "cite" is to officially summon someone to appear in a court of law, usually as a defendant or witness. This usage is more legalistic and formal, involving a legal order to appear before a judge or magistrate. Additionally, "cite" can also mean to mention or acknowledge someone or something as an example or illustration of a particular idea or concept. This usage is often seen in literature or critical analysis, where authors may cite specific works or authors to support their arguments or interpretations. Overall, "cite" is a versatile verb that can convey the idea of referencing, summoning, or acknowledging someone or something in various contexts.