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Meaning of city: Delve into the meaning and definition of city on our page. Explore what city truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does city mean to you?

A city typically refers to a large and permanent human settlement with a high population density, infrastructure, and governmental services. Cities are often characterized by their economic, cultural, and social significance, serving as hubs for commerce, innovation, and diversity. In urban planning, a city is defined by its administrative boundaries, which are established by governments to manage governance and service provision effectively. However, the term "city" can also be used more broadly to describe any town or municipality, regardless of size or complexity. In some contexts, "city" may refer to the central business district or urban core of a larger metropolitan area. Additionally, "city" can be a metaphor for complexity, chaos, or excitement, as in the phrase "the city that never sleeps" to describe a bustling and vibrant urban environment. Overall, the meaning of "city" encompasses a range of definitions depending on the context in which it is used.