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Meaning of clamber: Delve into the meaning and definition of clamber on our page. Explore what clamber truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does clamber mean to you?

The word "clamber" in English refers to the act of climbing or scrambling awkwardly, often using both hands and feet to move over rough or steep terrain. It involves a combination of pulling oneself up and pushing off with the limbs to navigate difficult obstacles. Clambering can also refer to the act of moving in a hurried or ungraceful manner, such as clambering out of a window or clambering over a pile of rubble. This word is often used to describe the physical effort and struggle involved in navigating challenging landscapes or situations. Overall, "clamber" conveys a sense of physical exertion, determination, and sometimes a lack of elegance or grace. It implies a sense of urgency or necessity in overcoming obstacles or reaching a destination.