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Meaning of cleanse: Delve into the meaning and definition of cleanse on our page. Explore what cleanse truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does cleanse mean to you?

The word "cleanse" in English typically means to rid something of impurities or unwanted elements, often through a process of purification or detoxification. This can apply to physical objects, such as cleaning a room or removing toxins from the body, as well as more abstract concepts, like purifying one's mind or soul through self-reflection or spiritual practices. In a broader sense, "cleanse" can also refer to a process of renewal or rejuvenation, where one seeks to start fresh or wipe the slate clean in some aspect of their life. This can involve letting go of past mistakes, releasing negative emotions, or making changes to improve overall wellbeing. Overall, "cleanse" carries connotations of purity, freshness, and renewal, emphasizing the idea of clearing away that which is no longer serving a positive purpose in order to promote health, clarity, and growth.