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Meaning of clearly established: Delve into the meaning and definition of clearly established on our page. Explore what clearly established truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does clearly established mean to you?

"Clearly established" typically refers to something that is widely known, accepted, or understood without a doubt. It can indicate a concept, idea, principle, or fact that has been firmly established and proven to be true or valid. In legal contexts, the term is often used to describe a precedent or legal principle that has been consistently upheld by courts and is binding for future cases. In a broader sense, "clearly established" can also convey the idea of something being evident, unmistakable, or transparently obvious. It implies a high degree of clarity, certainty, or consensus in regard to a particular issue or subject matter. Overall, the term "clearly established" signifies a level of certainty, clarity, or recognition that leaves little room for doubt or debate. It conveys a sense of established truth, validity, or credibility that is widely acknowledged or recognized.