
"Common people" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word common people? Please find below our selected examples of "Common people" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. The common people were struggling to make ends meet.
2. It’s important to listen to the concerns of the common people in society.
3. The common people finally had their voices heard in the election.
4. The common people rallied together to demand change.
5. The common people protested in the streets to show their dissatisfaction.

As an adjective:
6. It’s important for politicians to connect with the common people.
7. The politician promised to prioritize the needs of the common people.
8. The artist’s work resonated with the common people.
9. The film portrayed the struggles of common people in a realistic way.
10. The leader presented a plan that would benefit the common people.