Categories: General

Meaning of considerable: Delve into the meaning and definition of considerable on our page. Explore what considerable truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does considerable mean to you?

"Considerable" in English means something that is significant in size, amount, or extent. It can refer to a large or substantial quantity or degree of something. For example, a "considerable amount of money" would indicate a significant sum of money. In terms of importance or influence, "considerable" can also suggest that something is worth paying attention to or taking into account due to its significant impact or consequences. Additionally, "considerable" can imply that something is worthy of consideration or thought due to its considerable value, merit, or significance. It can also be used to indicate that someone or something is deserving of respect or admiration due to their considerable achievements or qualities. Overall, "considerable" conveys the idea of something being notable, substantial, or worthy of attention and recognition due to its size, importance, or impact.