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Meaning of could: Delve into the meaning and definition of could on our page. Explore what could truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does could mean to you?

The word "could" is a modal verb in English that has multiple meanings and uses. It is the past tense of "can" and is used to express various ideas such as possibility, ability, permission, request, suggestion, or polite offers. One common meaning of "could" is to indicate past ability or permission. For example, "I could swim when I was a child." It can also be used to express a possibility or potential in the present or future. For instance, "She could be the next president." Moreover, "could" is often used to make polite requests or suggestions, like "Could you please pass me the salt?" Overall, "could" is a versatile modal verb that adds nuance and subtlety to the English language, allowing speakers to convey a wide range of meanings and intentions in their communication.