
Meaning of crestfallen: Delve into the meaning and definition of crestfallen on our page. Explore what crestfallen truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does crestfallen mean to you?

Crestfallen is an adjective used to describe someone who is dejected, disappointed, or disheartened. It is often used to convey a sense of defeat or discouragement after experiencing a setback or failure. The word originates from the idea of someone's crest, or head, falling as a symbol of their spirits being lowered. When someone is crestfallen, they may appear visibly deflated or defeated, with their demeanor reflecting their feelings of disappointment or sadness. It is a powerful word that captures the emotional impact of feeling let down or defeated in a way that goes beyond simply being sad or upset. Overall, crestfallen conveys a sense of deep disappointment and defeat that can be both visible in someone's demeanor and felt on an emotional level. It is a word that encapsulates the complex mix of emotions that can come with experiencing setbacks or failures.