Examples of Critical inquiry in a Sentence
"Critical inquiry" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word critical inquiry? Please find below our selected examples of "Critical inquiry" in a sentence.
As a noun:
1. Critical inquiry is an essential component of academic research.
2. The professor encouraged students to engage in critical inquiry to deepen their understanding of the subject.
3. The book presents a thorough analysis of critical inquiry in the field of psychology.
4. The government funding for critical inquiry projects has been increasing in recent years.
5. Through critical inquiry, scientists were able to uncover the truth behind the mysterious phenomenon.
As a verb:
1. The researchers decided to critical inquiry into the impact of climate change on the region.
2. Students were tasked with critically inquiring the historical accuracy of the text.
3. It is important to critically inquire the sources of information before drawing conclusions.
4. The journalist promised to critically inquire the statements made by the politician.
5. By critically inquiring the results of the experiment, the team was able to identify flaws in their methodology.