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"Cross-legged" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word cross-legged? Please find below our selected examples of "Cross-legged" in a sentence.

As adverb:
1. She sat cross-legged on the floor, deep in thought.
2. The children sat cross-legged on the grass, listening intently to the storyteller.
3. He folded his legs cross-legged under him as he waited for the meeting to start.

As adjective:
1. The meditating monk sat in a cross-legged position for hours.
2. The yoga instructor demonstrated how to sit cross-legged with perfect posture.
3. The cross-legged statue of the Buddha was a symbol of peace and tranquility.

As noun:
1. Sitting cross-legged can help improve flexibility in the hips.
2. The children quickly arranged themselves in a circle, cross-legged on the carpet.
3. The old man preferred to sit cross-legged on the park bench, feeding the pigeons.