Categories: Law and Security

Meaning of cross-question: Delve into the meaning and definition of cross-question on our page. Explore what cross-question truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does cross-question mean to you?

Cross-question is a term used in legal proceedings to refer to the act of questioning a witness who has already been examined by the opposing party. It involves asking follow-up questions to challenge or clarify the testimony given by the witness. Cross-questioning is a crucial part of the legal process as it allows both sides to present their arguments and evidence effectively. In a broader sense, cross-question can also refer to the act of questioning someone in a thorough and challenging manner in order to get to the truth or uncover inconsistencies. It involves probing and interrogating someone to elicit information or expose any contradictions in their statements. Overall, cross-question can be seen as a method of examination or interrogation that is used to test the credibility and accuracy of someone's testimony or claims. It is a critical tool in legal proceedings, investigative journalism, and other situations where truth-seeking is paramount.