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"Cyclical" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word cyclical? Please find below our selected examples of "Cyclical" in a sentence.

As an adjective:
1. The cyclical nature of the economy means that there are periods of growth and contraction.
2. The recurring trends in fashion show that styles are cyclical and often come back in vogue.
3. The cyclical pattern of the tides is carefully tracked by scientists.

As a noun:
1. The economist studied the cyclical patterns of recessions and recoveries.
2. The scientist analyzed the cyclical changes in temperature over the years.
3. The investor was aware of the market's cyclical nature and adjusted his portfolio accordingly.

As a verb:
1. The company's revenue tends to cyclically fluctuate with the seasons.
2. The researcher sought to understand why the population of the species cyclically varied.
3. The weather patterns cyclical predictability made it easier for meteorologists to forecast.