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Meaning of damage: Delve into the meaning and definition of damage on our page. Explore what damage truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does damage mean to you?

Damage is a noun that refers to harm or injury caused to something or someone. It can be physical damage like a broken window or a scratch on a car, or it can be more abstract like damage to one's reputation or emotional damage from a traumatic experience. Damage can also refer to the financial loss incurred due to the harm caused. In a more general sense, damage can also describe the negative impact or consequences of certain actions or events. For example, a scandal can damage a politician's career, or pollution can damage the environment. In the context of warfare, damage refers to the destruction or disabling of enemy targets. Overall, damage implies some form of harm, injury, or negative impact that affects the well-being or functioning of something or someone.