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Meaning of damn: Delve into the meaning and definition of damn on our page. Explore what damn truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does damn mean to you?

"Damn" is a versatile word in English that can be used as a swear word to express frustration, anger, or disappointment, such as "damn it!" It can also be used to emphasize something, as in "that's a damn good cup of coffee." Additionally, "damn" can be used to show extreme dislike or disdain towards someone or something, for example, "I can't stand that damn dog barking all night." In a more formal context, "damn" can be used to express strong condemnation or criticism, as in "he was damned by his actions." It can also be used in a religious context to convey punishment or eternal condemnation, as in the phrase "damnation of the soul." Overall, "damn" is a versatile word with various meanings depending on the context in which it is used, ranging from casual swearing to expressing strong emotions or opinions.