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Meaning of depraved: Delve into the meaning and definition of depraved on our page. Explore what depraved truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does depraved mean to you?

"Depraved" in English refers to a state of moral corruption or wickedness. It describes someone or something that is morally corrupt, evil, or perverted in nature. A depraved individual may engage in vile, immoral, or unethical actions without feeling any remorse or guilt. This term is often used to describe behaviors or actions that are considered extremely immoral or twisted beyond societal norms. The word "depraved" can also be used to describe something that is morally decayed or damaged beyond repair. It implies a deep-seated corruption or degradation that is beyond redemption. In literature and media, characters or plotlines may be described as depraved to convey themes of moral decay, darkness, or hopelessness. Overall, "depraved" conveys a sense of extreme moral turpitude and corruption that goes beyond simple wrongdoing. It suggests a profound wickedness or perversion that is deeply disturbing to others.