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"Detailed study" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word detailed study? Please find below our selected examples of "Detailed study" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. The researchers conducted a detailed study on the effects of climate change on marine life.
2. He referred to a detailed study published in a scientific journal to support his argument.
3. The detailed study revealed surprising findings about the behavior of young children.

As a verb:
1. She decided to devote her summer to detailed studying of ancient civilizations.
2. The students were tasked with detailed studying the historical events leading up to World War II.
3. The team spent months detailed studying the impact of social media on consumer behavior.

As an adjective:
1. The detailed study guide helped the students prepare for the exam.
2. A detailed study plan is essential for successfully completing a research project.
3. Their report provided a detailed study of the economic factors affecting the industry.