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Meaning of determine: Delve into the meaning and definition of determine on our page. Explore what determine truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does determine mean to you?

The word "determine" in English has several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. At its core, "determine" means to come to a decision or conclusion after considering all the factors or evidence. It also means to establish or ascertain something with certainty, to cause something to occur in a particular way, or to fix the limits or boundaries of something. In a legal context, "determine" can refer to the process of officially deciding a court case or legal matter. In a scientific context, it can mean to establish the cause or reasons for a phenomenon. Additionally, "determine" can also refer to controlling or influencing a situation or outcome. Overall, "determine" is a versatile word that encompasses the ideas of deciding, establishing, controlling, and defining something in various contexts.