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Meaning of dip: Delve into the meaning and definition of dip on our page. Explore what dip truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does dip mean to you?

"Dip" is a versatile word in the English language, with several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. One common meaning of "dip" is to lower something into a liquid, such as dipping a chip into salsa. It can also refer to a thick sauce or spread that is used for dipping foods into. "Dip" can also be used to describe a downward slope or decrease, such as a dip in the road or a dip in temperature. In this sense, it can also refer to a brief, moderate decline in performance or quality. Another meaning of "dip" is a quick swim or immersion in water, often for leisure or refreshment. Additionally, "dip" can refer to a container or receptacle for holding or serving food, such as a chip dip. In slang terminology, "dip" can mean to leave or depart quickly from a place, often abruptly or unexpectedly. Overall, "dip" is a versatile word with several nuanced meanings in the English language.