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"Do" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word do? Please find below our selected examples of "Do" in a sentence.

As a verb:
1. I do my homework every night.
2. We did our best to finish the project on time.
3. Please do your chores before you go out with your friends.
4. She will do the dishes after dinner.
5. He did his research before the big presentation.

As a noun:
1. The doctor's job is to heal and to do no harm.
2. What you wear can make a statement about who you are and what you do.
3. Her do is always on point, thanks to her hairstylist.
4. I am happy with my new haircut and color, it is a perfect do for the summer.

As an adverb:
1. I plan to finish my homework quickly, so I can do other things.
2. The student worked diligently to do well on the exam.
3. She is always eager to do good deeds for others.
4. The team performed exceptionally well, doing far beyond expectations.