
"Don't risk" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word Don't risk? Please find below our selected examples of "Don't risk" in a sentence.

As an imperative verb:
1. Don't risk your life by driving while intoxicated.
2. Don't risk your job by being late to work every day.
3. Don't risk your health by smoking cigarettes.
4. Don't risk your relationships by lying to your loved ones.

As a noun:
1. The don't risk mentality prevailed among the cautious investors.
2. The company's policy is based on the principle of don't risk.

As a warning:
1. Don't risk making a decision without all the information.
2. Don't risk everything on a single opportunity.
3. Don't risk losing your savings in a shady investment scheme.
4. Don't risk your reputation by spreading rumors.