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Meaning of draft: Delve into the meaning and definition of draft on our page. Explore what draft truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does draft mean to you?

Draft has several meanings in English. One common definition is a preliminary version of a written document, such as an essay, report, or contract, which may undergo revisions before being finalized. In a similar vein, it can also refer to a detailed plan or sketch for a project or design. Another meaning of draft is the act of selecting or recruiting individuals for military service, often called the draft or conscription. This process typically involves a random selection of eligible individuals to serve in the armed forces. Draft can also refer to a current of air within a confined space, such as a room or building. This can be an unwelcome sensation, leading to discomfort or a drop in temperature. Additionally, draft can refer to the depth of water needed to float a vessel or the amount of liquid consumed from a container, such as a keg of beer. Overall, draft is a versatile term with various meanings across different contexts.