Categories: Food and Eating

"Dried apricots" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word dried apricots? Please find below our selected examples of "Dried apricots" in a sentence.

As nouns:
1. I love snacking on dried apricots.
2. The recipe calls for a cup of chopped dried apricots.
3. Dried apricots are a great source of fiber.
4. Do you prefer fresh or dried apricots in your oatmeal?

As verbs:
1. I need to dry these fresh apricots to make dried apricots.
2. Can you help me package these dried apricots?

As adjectives:
1. The dried apricots tasted sweet and chewy.
2. My favorite granola bars are loaded with dried apricots.

As adverbs:
1. She eats dried apricots plain.
2. I always soak my dried apricots before adding them to baked goods.