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Meaning of ductile: Delve into the meaning and definition of ductile on our page. Explore what ductile truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does ductile mean to you?

Ductile is an adjective that describes a material's ability to be stretched, shaped, or drawn out without breaking. In other words, a ductile substance can be easily deformed under stress without losing its overall integrity. This property is particularly important in materials like metals, which are often used in construction and engineering due to their ductility. In a broader sense, ductile can also refer to a person's character or behavior. A ductile individual is one who is flexible, adaptable, and able to adjust to different situations or demands. This term can be used to describe someone who is open-minded, willing to learn, and capable of handling challenges with grace. Overall, whether referring to a physical substance or a personal trait, ductile implies a certain level of malleability and resilience.