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Meaning of ebb: Delve into the meaning and definition of ebb on our page. Explore what ebb truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does ebb mean to you?

"Ebb" is a versatile word with multiple meanings in English. One of its most common meanings is the receding of the tide, when the water level decreases. This can also be used figuratively to describe a decline or decrease in strength, intensity, or importance. For example, one might refer to an ebb in a person's career or a relationship. Additionally, "ebb" can refer to a point in time when something reaches its lowest point or weakest moment, before starting to improve or strengthen again. This can be used in contexts such as emotions, energy levels, or even economic situations. Overall, "ebb" generally conveys the idea of a decline, decrease, or weakening of something, whether it be physical, emotional, or metaphorical. It carries connotations of change, fluctuation, and the cyclical nature of life.