Categories: General

"Effect" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word effect? Please find below our selected examples of "Effect" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. The medication had a positive effect on his health.
2. She experienced side effects from the treatment.
3. The special effects in the movie were truly spectacular.
4. The butterfly flapping its wings had a domino effect on the weather.
5. The new policy had a significant effect on employee morale.

As a verb:
1. The new law will effect changes in the way businesses operate.
2. The leader hoped to effect positive change in the community.
3. The decision to expand the company was effected swiftly.
4. They were able to effect a compromise with the opposing party.

As a transitive verb:
1. The harsh weather affected their travel plans.
2. His words affected her deeply, bringing tears to her eyes.
3. The economic recession affected millions of families.
4. The artist's work was meant to affect people emotionally.

As an intransitive verb:
1. Lack of sleep can affect your ability to concentrate.
2. His mood began to shift, affecting the entire room.
3. The stress of the situation affected her health.
4. The news affected him more than he expected.