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Meaning of ellipsis: Delve into the meaning and definition of ellipsis on our page. Explore what ellipsis truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does ellipsis mean to you?

An ellipsis in English refers to the omission of words, typically in a sentence or quote, that are unnecessary for understanding the context. It is represented by a series of three dots (...) and is used to indicate that a portion of text has been intentionally left out. Ellipses can be used for various reasons, such as to create a dramatic effect, show a pause in speech or writing, or simply condense a longer quote. In addition to its grammatical significance, an ellipsis can also symbolize ambiguity, uncertainty, or an unfinished thought. It can invite the reader to infer missing information or emotions, leaving room for interpretation and speculation. Depending on the context, an ellipsis can convey a sense of mystery, hesitation, or anticipation, adding depth and complexity to the text. Overall, the use of an ellipsis can shape the tone and rhythm of a sentence, guiding the reader's understanding and engagement with the written material.